The WCTEDD Board of Directors serves as the policy making and strategic planning entity of the District. Members are thoughtfully appointed as representatives of rural counties, urban areas, minorities, business and industry, utilities, labor and the unemployed, media, education or community assistance interests. All are broadly representative of the area’s principal economic interests. The Board of Directors currently has 17 members; bylaws prohibit no more than 35 Board members. In this region, it is critical for fair and equitable representation that Board members will be representatives from the five sub-regions of the area. Each member may serve for two year terms with no term limitations. Officers consist of a President, Vice president and Secretary/Treasurer.
The current sub regional representation of Board members reflects the population across the subregions; 17.6% of the Board represents all subregions;, 11.7% represent Subregions I, III and V, 29.4% represent Subregion II, and 17.6% represent Subregion V. To develop collective perspective, 58.8% of the Board represents the public sector and workforce, and 42.2% represent the private sector and media.
The current sub regional representation of Board members reflects the population across the subregions; 17.6% of the Board represents all subregions;, 11.7% represent Subregions I, III and V, 29.4% represent Subregion II, and 17.6% represent Subregion V. To develop collective perspective, 58.8% of the Board represents the public sector and workforce, and 42.2% represent the private sector and media.