Economic Development groups throughout the WCTEDD region, many of which were actively involved in development of the CEDS, have significant and varied economic developments portfolios and are key to the region's continued economic vitality. The Economic Development District supports these partners and their efforts through collaboration, joint planning, and the provision of technical assistance as needed.
Regional partners include the Abilene Industrial Foundation, Abilene Economic Development, Aspermont / Stonewall County Economic Development, Breckenridge Chamber of Commerce, Brownwood Economic Development Corporation, Coleman County Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, Comanche Economic Development Corporation, Cross Plains Economic Development Corporation, Development Corporation of Abilene, Development Corporation of Baird, Inc., Early Economic Development Corporation, Eastland Economic Development Corporation, Hamlin Economic Development Corporation, Haskell Economic Development Corporation, Merkel Economic Development, Mitchell County Economic Development Corporation, Ranger Economic Development, Santa Anna Economic Development Corporation, Snyder Economic Development Corporation, Stamford Economic Development Corporation, Sweetwater Enterprise for Economic Development, Taylor County Economic Development Corporation, The High Ground of Texas, Tye Economic Development Corporation and Winters Area Business and Industry Corporation Economic Development.
In addition, several partner cities in the region have passed 4A and 4B sales tax to undertake eligible projects. These cities include Albany, Anson, Aspermont, Breckenridge, Bronte, Cisco, Goree, Gorman, Knox City and Robert Lee. The cities with 4A sales tax include Abilene, Baird, Big Spring, Brownwood, Coleman, Comanche, DeLeon, Early, Eastland, Hamlin, Haskell, Munday, Ranger, Rotan, Snyder, Stamford, and Sweetwater. Cities with 4B sales tax include Bangs, Benjamin, Breckenridge, Buffalo Gap, Clyde, Cross Plains, Gustine, Merkel, Miles, Rising Star, Santa Anna, and Throckmorton.
Regional partners include the Abilene Industrial Foundation, Abilene Economic Development, Aspermont / Stonewall County Economic Development, Breckenridge Chamber of Commerce, Brownwood Economic Development Corporation, Coleman County Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, Comanche Economic Development Corporation, Cross Plains Economic Development Corporation, Development Corporation of Abilene, Development Corporation of Baird, Inc., Early Economic Development Corporation, Eastland Economic Development Corporation, Hamlin Economic Development Corporation, Haskell Economic Development Corporation, Merkel Economic Development, Mitchell County Economic Development Corporation, Ranger Economic Development, Santa Anna Economic Development Corporation, Snyder Economic Development Corporation, Stamford Economic Development Corporation, Sweetwater Enterprise for Economic Development, Taylor County Economic Development Corporation, The High Ground of Texas, Tye Economic Development Corporation and Winters Area Business and Industry Corporation Economic Development.
In addition, several partner cities in the region have passed 4A and 4B sales tax to undertake eligible projects. These cities include Albany, Anson, Aspermont, Breckenridge, Bronte, Cisco, Goree, Gorman, Knox City and Robert Lee. The cities with 4A sales tax include Abilene, Baird, Big Spring, Brownwood, Coleman, Comanche, DeLeon, Early, Eastland, Hamlin, Haskell, Munday, Ranger, Rotan, Snyder, Stamford, and Sweetwater. Cities with 4B sales tax include Bangs, Benjamin, Breckenridge, Buffalo Gap, Clyde, Cross Plains, Gustine, Merkel, Miles, Rising Star, Santa Anna, and Throckmorton.