Goals, objectives, and strategies resulting from the Regional Assessment of the WCTEDD area are detailed below. Click to view associated performance measures.
Goal 1
Create a Regional Economic Innovation Hub that provides virtual regional and county data, provides technical assistance in data interpretation and provides infrastructure necessary to affect positive economic development.
Objective A: Create a “one-stop” website with CEDS data and links to economic
development focused websites.
Objective B: Provide support to Economic Development Corporations, upon request, to procure additional resources for the region
Goal 2To mentor, counsel and assist local and new businesses, and particularly small and mid-size businesses, through the expansion of financial assistance and advisory services.
Objective A: Expand the size and scope of allocated federal loan assistance and revolving loan funds to the region.
Objective B: Explore creation and viability of business incubation programs in the region.
Objective C: Expand or create export from regional economic clusters.
Goal 3Obtain funding for improved infrastructure in needed areas to attract new business and meet growth needs of existing business
Objective A: Partner with West Central Texas Council of Government, Texas Department of Rural Affairs, the United States Department of Agriculture and other funding sources to develop infrastructure.
Goal 4Encourage development of safe and affordable housing throughout the region which is consistent with local real estate demographics and patterns.
Objective A: Provide technical assistance, upon request, to area partners to secure avenues to develop a plan to assist residents to build individual assets.
Goal 5Secure current communication technologies to the region.
Objective A: Advocate and provide technical assistance to region to quantify communication needs and procure communication resources.
Goal 6Develop and secure resources to overcome historic barriers to employment in the region.
Objective A: Advocate for and support expansion of transportation resources
Objective B: Expand child care options to parents