Community leaders must understand the composition of the region's economy and labor market to make investments that enhance a region's economic competitiveness and improve the quality of life for residents. Building competencies in skilled, export oriented economic clusters offers cascading benefits to communities including (1) provision of high-skill high-wage career opportunities for residents, (2) increased Gross Regional Product (GRP), and (3) strengthening of local tax revenue. The economic benefits of building strong economies provide communities with opportunities to invest in local infrastructure, provide residents with public amenities, and make economic development investments that pay dividends for generations.
The 19-county WCTEDD region is characterized is characterized by concentrations in skilled industry and occupational clusters that provide a strong foundation for future economic growth.
Income, Wages, and Employment
The WCTEDD region has long been known for the strong work ethic and excellent work behaviors of its residents. The region’s economy originated with cattle and crops, then produced significant oil wells and mines, and then evolved to include varied business and manufacturing employment clusters and multiple colleges and universities. Click to dive deeper into the data.
Industry Clusters |
The WCTEDD region boasts competencies in skilled industry clusters, including Primary Metal Manufacturing, Mining, Energy (Fossil & Renewable), Agribusiness Food Processing/Technology, and Education/Knowledge Creation clusters. Click to dive deeper into the data.
Occupational Clusters |
The regional labor market is characterized by strong concentrations in Crop and Livestock Workers, Natural Sciences/Environmental Management, Skilled Production Workers, and Public Safety/Domestic Security positions. Click to dive deeper into the data.